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- * Many of you may have heard that Star Trek VI was nominated for 2 Oscars at
- the recent Academy Awards presentation. It was nominated for Makeup and
- Sound Effects Editing, but unfortunately lost out to Terminator 2 in both
- categories.
- * Star Trek VI is due for release on rental in the UK on 18th September 1992.
- However, the version of the film being released in in fact the director's
- cut with about 4 or 5 minutes of extra footage! This footage has not been
- in any cinematic version of the movie and the extra scenes add a little
- more depth to the movie. One of the additional scenes includes a shot where
- we see Valeris sliding down a fireman's pole (I kid you not!).
- Also, this footage corrects a couple of mistakes that appeared in the
- cinema version due to scenes being edited or removed. You'll see what I
- mean when you rent it.
- As far as I am aware, there also TWO versions of the film being released,
- one in the now common wide-screen format, the other being a "normal" TV
- style.
- There are also rumours going around that Trek VI will NOT be released on
- rental, but will instead be released striaght onto sell-thru in December.
- Well, ignore these rumours if you hear them as they ARE NOT TRUE!
- * Word has been going around of possible great news for all you TNG fans.
- Paramount are talking about a new deal for the cast of The Next Generation
- with the offer of a new 10 year contract to film 4 TNG movies. The idea of
- offering a long term contract like this would mean that the studio could
- budget for cast expenses and pay a set amount each year without having to
- re-negotiate for every movie. The deal will also GUARANTEE the cast will be
- paid even if The Next Generation is not made. The deal also includes TWO
- extra seasons of episodes!!!!!!!!
- This offer hasn't been put to any of the cast as yet, and they have only
- heard of this deal through other people. However, Richard Arnold has spoken
- to some of the cast and one of them has already said that they are not
- really interested in the deal and may not sign on for any further seasons.
- This mysterious cast member is, surprisingly, Patrick Stewart, who has a
- number of projects he'd like to do, but wouldn't be able to with the time
- constraints of filming 2 more seasons of TNG!
- * However, there is bad news for all TNG fans living in the UK! New episodes
- of The Next Generation won't be transmitted by the BBC until mid-1994 at
- the earliest!!! Why? Well, SKY TV now have the exclusive rights to show the
- series in the UK until that time, as the BBC did before them until July
- 1992. So if you don't own a satellite dish, the only way you'll get to see
- episodes is to buy the videos, go to conventions or get the episodes
- imported from the States.
- Many fans may be wondering, if that is the case, why after The Best Of Both
- Worlds Part 2 did the BBC say that "Star Trek will be back later in the
- year"? Well, starting on August 19th, the BBC will be showing a complete
- re-run of Classic Trek, starting with "The Cage". This is the first time,
- at least in the UK anyway, that The Cage has been shown on it's own,
- outside of the documentary, "From One Generation To The Next". Also on the
- same nights, straight after Trek, due to start in September is their new
- magazine programme devoted to sci-fi and comics.
- * An update with the video releases. It looks highly probably that the TNG
- video releases will slow down when Season 5 is released to just ONE TAPE
- per month. Why? Well, Paramount have decided that video releases of the
- episodes should be AT LEAST one year behind their US transmission dates.
- * As many of you will have heard, Richard Arnold has now settled his
- differences with Paramount, although he won't be returning to work at the
- studio as they still have no intention of re-opening the Star Trek office.
- However, he is doing consulting work for Paramount on a freelance basis so
- he is now in the position he was in about 6 years ago. Great to have you
- back, Richard!
- * Because of the absence of an office, some of you may be concerned about fan
- mail and as to whether it will actually reach the cast. All the mail sent
- to the office is sorted by Guy Vardaman. Some of the TNG cast have an
- assistant who then deals with the mail, the other cast are left on their
- own! For all the Classic Trek cast, their mail is held in the Merchandising
- division and is left there until the cast collect it from the studios
- themselves!
- * No doubt many of you will have heard of the sad death last month of Georgia
- Brown, who played Helena Rozhenko (Worf's mother), following a sudden
- illness.
- * It has just been confirmed that James Doohan will be appearing in an
- episode of the Next Generation in Season 6!! No news of the story as yet,
- apart from the fact that he will be reprising his role of Scotty, but he
- will not be playing an "aged" Scotty, it isn't a holodeck or time travel
- story and he is not playing one of Scotty's descendants!! The episode will
- be transmitted in late October/early November and is being written by TNG
- veteran Ronald D. Moore.
- Season 6 will actually start transmission in the States on 21st September
- with "Time's Arrow Part 2" (this was filmed in mid-July). There are a few
- rumours in circulation about the first batch of episodes, including the
- following:-
- "Limits" - an episode about unusual events taking place on board the
- Enterprise which results in the discovery that the warp engines aren't
- as environmentally friendly as they were once thought.
- "The Rivals" - planned for Season 5. It's a story about Geordi when he
- meets up with an old friend who was also one of his greatest rivals.
- "Rascals" (possibly called "Undercover") - this is the episode from
- Season 5 that saw crew member reduced to children! This is believed to
- have been caused by a transporter accident!
- There are also two Q scripts being considered (whether both or just one of
- these will be made is uncertain, although as there was NO Q story for
- Season 5, if the stories are good enough, I don't think two episodes is
- unlikely).
- * Back to the videos again! UK Trek fans should look forward to June '93
- which promises to be a big month for CIC. Not only will this see the
- release of Star Trek VI on sell-thru, but also the release of Season 6 of
- TNG and the video release of Deep Space Nine! You have been warned! As far
- as Deep Space Nine is concerned, there is no word from CIC video as to
- whether it is being released on rental first, or straight onto sell-thru.
- Compiled by Simon Plumbe and Edwin Yau. Thanks to Colin Gunn, Richard Arnold,
- Guy Vardaman and Chas Evans of CIC Video for their assistance/information.